Providence Theological Seminary



The conference will be held June 22 - 25, 2025 at Grace Church, 4052 Arno Road, Franklin, TN.

'Israel: a Bible Prophecy Conference – Israel Past, Present, and Future'

The first message on Sunday will begin at 6:30 PM, and the last message on Wednesday will end at 8:00 PM.

Click Here for More Information

Introducing Providence Theological Institute of New Covenant Theology

The doctrinal reasons for Providence Theological Institute of New Covenant Theology (PTI-NCT) can be summed up in three phrases: New Covenant Theology (NCT), Doctrines of Grace, and Baptist Ecclesiology.

New Covenant Theology (NCT), Doctrines of Grace, and Baptist Ecclesiology

Our History

Providence Theological Seminary (PTS) inaugurated resident night classes in Colorado Springs on September 4, 2007. A full curriculum was offered during the inaugural year of studies except for the biblical languages class which commenced during the fall semester of 2008.

In 2013, PTS transitioned to an online curriculum and after two years, they moved from Colorado Springs, CO to Franklin, TN. In the late fall of 2016, a variety of factors prompted PTS’ leadership to close the seminary as an educational institution. Although its formal mission as a seminary may have ended, its role as a theological institution continued.

Providence Theological Institute remains dedicated to teaching, disseminating, and defending New Covenant Theology. The institute seeks to accomplish these goals by hosting and organizing annual conferences, continuously making the seminary’s resources available, ensuring the publication of the theological journal, and harnessing other tools such as the podcast and blog.

Our Mission

Providence Theological Institute of New Covenant Theology (PTI-NCT) is a Christian organization that endeavors to advance the gospel and the kingdom of God in Christ Jesus. The institute also seeks the following goals:

  • To foster unity among advocates of New Covenant Theology.
  • To help heal the doctrinal divides that exist within the Body of Christ.
  • To promote Cross Theatre.
Advance the gospel and the kingdom of God in Christ Jesus

What Is New Covenant Theology?

A theological system which emphasizes that Jesus Christ is the nexus and climax of God’s plan in redemptive history, that the New Testament Scriptures have interpretive priority over the Old Testament Scriptures because of the former being the final revelation of God, and that the new covenant truly is a new arrangement between God and man.

Providence Theological Institute of New Covenant Theology is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 corporation. Contributions to PTI-NCT are deductible under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.

We cordially welcome all those who are likeminded to support PTI through prayer, and if the Lord leads, financial support.

If the Lord leads you to financially support PTI-NCT, whether regularly or via a one-time gift, please click on the PayPal 'Donate' Button below to donate to Providence Theological Institute NCT.

After clicking the button below, you may either donate to PTI-NCT via (1) a PayPal Account; or (2) a Credit / Debit Card.

Thank you for your time. May God bless you.

Contact Information

Providence Theological Institute in Warren, RI
5 Charity Dr.
Warren, RI 02885